Impact Measurement and Management(IMM) White Paper is launched to provide a framework for SDG-aligned and impact investments

Impact Measurement and Management (IMM) White Paper is launched to provide a framework for SDG-aligned and impact investments

Impact Measurement and Management (IMM) White Paper initiated by Etkiyap with UNDP Turkey was launched at the Impact Investing Panel at the Bosphorus Summit in Istanbul.

Impact investments are investments made with the intention to generate measurable positive social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. Impact Measurement and Management (IMM), on the other hand, is the process through which impact investors can understand the effects of their investments on social and environmental issues and then take action to adapt processes and improve outcomes. The Impact Measurement and Management(IMM) White Paper aims to be utilised by investors, enterprises and other stakeholders to include positive and negative impact considerations into investment and business decisions and further to inform the public about the changes and developments in the respective area.

Founded by 30 leading institutions with the aim of making impact investing a mainstream investing model in Turkey while establishing and bringing important actors included both international and internal partnerships, the Impact Investment Advisory Board (EYDK), together with UNDP Turkey held a panel discussion at the Bosphorus Summit on December 7th, 2021. The panel aimed to facilitate a discussion among key stakeholders around  how and why to establish a stance for promoting and developing Impact Measurement and Management  standards in Turkey.

At the Impact Investing Panel, the honorary keynote speech was delivered by Louisa Vinton, Country Representative of UNDP Turkey. 

Etkiyap Chief Executive Officer & President of Impact Investing Advisory Board (EYDK), Şafak Müderrisgil elucidated the necessity of Impact Measurement and Management for organizations to set impact objectives, monitor impact performance and evaluate impact.

“The Impact Measurement and Management efforts in Turkey should take stock of the global initiatives generated in the last decade, and design and implement IMM practices in accordance with generally accepted principles, frameworks and standards. As there is no single methodology or standard to serve all purposes, the aim should be to have a set of frameworks that can be used in different contexts and for different purposes. As EYDK, we endorse the IMM White Paper as a reference for building knowledge and capacity in the design, implementation, assessment and review phases of the impact measurement process where data transparency and availability is key” Müderrisgil said

Impact Investing Measurement and Management( IMM) White Paper is be available at online platform of EYDK till January 31st, 2022 awaiting for further reviews and comments from all stakeholders, and will be reviewed and published periodically afterwards.

About Etkiyap

Impact Investment Platform “Etkiyap” inclusive, transparent and sustainability in Turkey, the structure of the field to the centre of the state, public and private sector institutions, universities and other civil society organizations in cooperation with individuals and institutions “impact investment” ecosystem necessary to create awareness and provide education, awareness, research and project is a platform that makes it work.
Etkiyap is also a member of the Board of Founders of the Impact Investment Advisory Board “EYDK”.

About EYDK

Impact Investment Advisory Board (EYDK) is founded by 30 leading institutions with the aim of making impact investing a mainstream investing model in Turkey while establishing international partnerships, models and projects in impact investing. EYDK’s top priority is enabling the realisation of the necessary regulations for impact investing, creating a transparent and inclusive ecosystem, raising awareness and competence, and designing a national framework for impact measurement and management.