As EYDK, the first session of our training program, organised under the collaboration protocol we signed with POA to promote the implementation of International Sustainability Standards (ISSB) in Türkiye, was held on December 12-13, 2024. Program implemented through the invaluable contributions of trainers from our education partners, Etkiyap and Sachi Sustainability Consultancy, and with the participation of EYDK member organisations.
Module 1-The Process of Change: Focused on the transition from ESG to impact-driven reporting, offering an introduction to global sustainability standards with an emphasis on various forms of capital.
Module 2-Sustainability Reporting Standards: Explored the “5W1H” approach to sustainability reporting, addressing evolving reporting standards and strategies for aligning with global frameworks.
Module 3-Case Analysis: Scheduled for 2025, this module will provide participants the opportunity to translate theoretical knowledge into practical application.