The SDG Impact Standards Training, which took place in Ankara from the 21st to the 23rd of February, has been successfully completed!

This second round of SDG Impact Standards Training, a prerequisite for EYDK membership, was organised by EYDK in collaboration with Etkiyap as the training partner and was hosted by ODTÜ TEKNOKENT. The training was led by Etkiyap’s Chief Impact Officer, Ceyda Özgün, and Etkiyap Board Member, Melek De-Wint.

The two-and-a-half-day training programme welcomed representatives from various organisations, including the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Treasury and Finance, the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Industry and Technology, Directorate of Climate Change, Directorate for EU Affairs, the Privatisation Administration, the Public Oversight, Accounting, and Auditing Standards Authority (KGK), the Capital Markets Board of Türkiye, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK)-Technology and Innovation Funding Programs Directorate (TEYDEB), the Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye, Etkiyap, Historical Kemeralti Construction Investment Trade Inc. (TARKEM), Kale Group, Kızılay Impact Investment, LETVEN CAPITAL, ODTÜ TEKNOKENT and TED University.