The Global Donut Day, organized by Regenerative Impact Space and Doughnut Türkiye in partnership with ISPER AŞ.and Istanbul Planning Agency, was celebrated on November 13th at IPA Florya campus!
The Global Donut Day was celebrated for the first time at the IPA Campus Florya by the Regenerative Impact Space. As part of the event, panels, workshops, and discussion sessions were conducted.
Focusing on a just and regenerative economy, Global Donut Day centers around the Donut Economy, which goes beyond sustainability and social impact to embrace a new economic paradigm.
Şafak Müderrisgil, Chair of Executive Board of EYDK, was also a speaker at the “Writing a New Economic Narrative” panel organized within the scope of the event, focusing on a prosumer, impact, and donut economy and social entrepreneurship. The panel was moderated by Assoc. Prof. Murad Tiryakioğlu (Yerli Yeşil Yeni),Berivan Eliş (Impact Hub Ankara) and Dr. Uygar Özesmi ( also took part as a speaker.